Inland Empire Disabilities Collaborative

Launched as a networking tool, the Collaborative brings together over 900 service providers from regional organizations that serve people with disabilities and seniors. The Inland Empire Health Plan (IEHP) in collaboration with LLUH PossAbilities led the way in the creation of this unique initiative in February of 2006. As of 2016, The IEDC is a non-profit public benefit organization in the State of California. 

What We Do

We NETWORK to build cooperative relationships.
We promote ADVOCACY with and for people with disabilities.
We PARTNER to host events that benefit the community at large.

Past Distinguished Speakers

Angela G. Jemmott
Executive Director
California Commission on Disability Access

Joe Xavier
Department of Rehabilitation

Judy Huemann
American Disability Rights Activist

Vance Taylor
Chief, Office of Access and Functional Needs
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services

Sandy Fitzpatrick
Executive Director
CA Commission of Aging

Rudy Contreras
Executive Director
Southern California Resource Services For Independent Living

Richard Devylder
Special Advisor to the Secretary Office for Access and Functional Needs
California Emergency Management Agency


Join Us!

IEDC Meeting


February 18, 2025

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM


CJ Cook, Inland Regional Center

Deputy Greg Jones, San Bernardino Co. Sheriffs

Beth Burt, Autism Society

Lt. Christian Dekker Riverside Co. Sheriffs

Blue Envelope Project